Information Systems Management

This course studies the management of information systems in organisations. It identifies the main managerial factors affecting the design and implementation of ICTs in organisations.

It also introduces basic principles of project management and governance. The course also overviews the most common strategies associated with ICT management and the tools used to manage these strategies. These are contrasted with organisational issues such as structure, planning and control and deployment framework. Finally, the course provides a holistic view of benefit management and information systems strategy alignment.

Background and models of information systems management

  • Overview of the main trends in the management of digitalisation in the firm; discussion of Information and Communication Technologies’ (ICTs) importance in contemporary organisations
  • Logic underpinning information systems management and the importance of strategic planning when ICT deployment in organizations is concerned
  • Discussion of the most common technological solutions used by firms to support different managerial and business activities.

Managing information systems projects

  • The following topics are approached from both the technical and the organisational perspective:
  • Project management and its use to develop and implement information systems to help firms achieve timely competitive advantage
  • Project planning, control and homogeneous deployment in enterprises
  • ICT governance and outsourcing.

Information systems and benefit management

  • A discussion of the main managerial and economic benefits generated by information systems adoption in organisations:
  • E-business
  • Big Data analytics
  • Knowledge management.

If you complete the course successfully, you should be able to:

  • Explain how different models used to analyse organisations are reflected in different information systems architectures
  • Differentiate various classes and types of information system developed and used in organisations, seen within an historical context
  • Present arguments for a strategic role for information systems within organisations and alternative models to support this role and to establish such strategies.
  • Explain how information and communication technologies change organisations and industry structures Discuss the importance of the process of managing the design and implementation of information systems on the effective value generated by their adoption
  • Explain the basic principles of project management from technical and organisational standpoints, including time, cost and performance issues
  • Evaluate alternative approaches to design organisational forms to pursue the effective implementation of information systems across the enterprise
  • Describe the basic principles and elements of benefit management, in the context of the alignment of the strategy of an enterprise and its information systems development.
  • Reynolds, W. Information systems for Managers. Cengage, 2015. 2nd edition. [ISBN 9781305389830].

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