Melina Costa


Leadership Fellow

Melina brings extensive experience in business design, entrepreneurship and communication. With a journalism background, she spent a decade covering businesses and the economy in Brazil’s leading newsrooms. For her contributions to fostering transparency in business, Melina was awarded the Chevening Scholarship and earned her master’s degree in Globalisation and Development from Queen Mary University of London.

After relocating to Berlin, she studied at the School of Design Thinking and co-founded an innovation agency that supports corporations and medium-sized organizations in the development of new products, services and entire ventures. She also mentors startups in acceleration programs and currently hosts the podcast Economia do Futuro, about Brazil’s transition to a low-carbon economy. 

Teaching modules:

  • Project-based learning – year 3 students
  • MN3194 Entrepreneurship

Any inquiries from prospective students about admissions, applications, tuition fees, programmes, student life should be directed to the Forward College team at
