Dr. Dennis Amable

Assistant Professor in International Relations and Development Studies
Dennis Amable is an Assistant Professor in International Relations and Development Studies at the Berlin Campus of Forward College. Dennis completed his PhD at the University of Nottingham’s Ningbo Campus. His academic journey broadly covers Development Studies, Security, Regionalism, and International Relations. During the course of his PhD, Dennis taught as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for several undergraduate modules at the School of International Studies, University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus. His teaching skills and student evaluations earned him a teaching recognition award at the 2021 University of Nottingham Tri-Campus Awards, where he also received an award as one of the Outstanding Postgraduate Research Students. Dennis has also worked as a Tutor for MA Politics and International Relations students at the Vicotria University of Wellington, New Zealand. His research interests include International Relations and Development, Security Regionalism and Global Governance. Some of Dennis’ research outputs have been published in peer-reviewed journals like Global Studies Quarterly, Insight on Africa, and World Affairs. He has held research fellowships at the School of Advanced Social Studies in Slovenia, the Center for International Studies and Development at Jagiellonian University in Poland, and the UK campus of the University of Nottingham. Dennis has won several research grants, including the Asia Research Institute of the University of Nottingham grant; the Centre for International Studies and Development at Jagiellonian University funding; and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology MoST-ARRS research grant.
At Forward College, Dennis is currently teaching…
- DV3162 Complex Emergencies and Humanitarian Response
- DV3165 Development Management
- DV3166 Global Environmental Problems and Politics