Bachelor’s in Economics & Politics


The Bachelor’s in Economics & Politics is designed by the LSE, awarded by the University of London and taught in small-class at Forward College campuses in 3 different European capitals. 


Forward College Bachelor’s tuition programme includes:

  • 100% small group teaching (on average 15 students per class)
  • Weekly one-on-one tutoring for individualised feedback and guidance
  • Frequent evaluations to track your progress throughout the year and ensure your success at the final exams
  • Induction programme where you will better understand your learning style and adopt the most relevant learning methods for you


  • Gain critical understanding of economics and politics in the wider context of the social sciences
  • Learn how to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in applying economic reasoning to the analysis of a wide range of policy issues
  • Gain a detailed and critical understanding of the main theoretical debates in the field of economics and politics.

Many UoL graduates have chosen to pursue careers in multilateral and intergovernmental organisations, non-governmental organisations, banking and accounting services, local and national governments, educational establishments, and media and publishing companies. Others take up positions as economic or management consultants, join central banks, their home country’s government economic service or international organisations. They have also found work in the financial sector, including positions involving economics research as well as those in banking or hedge funds.

The building blocks of
the programme

This interdisciplinary programme is an exciting intellectual journey that will offer you the widest range of opportunities whether you wish to work in business or government. Designed by LSE, this degree will give you an understanding of economics and politics in the wider context of the social sciences. Learn how to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in applying economic reasoning to the analysis of a wide range of policy issues, and gain a detailed and critical understanding of the main theoretical debates in the field of economics and politics.

As with all BSc Programmes designed by the LSE, students take four courses each year, made up of a combination of compulsory and optional choices.

NB: availability of courses depends on student interest, and not all of the below courses may be available for study during years 2 and 3. Some courses carry pre-requisites – please refer to the UoL course list for additional information. Please note that students select a maximum of 4 courses per year of study.

Before graduating from Forward College, we recommend students pursue an internship, whether for career exploration purposes or to gain practical, valuable, and much sought-after experience. For bachelor’s students, an internship is not mandatory, but is highly recommended.

An internship during college prepares you for the world of work and its challenges.

Expected working time: 6-8 weeks
Read more about Forward’s Internship

Am I eligible?

Take this short test to check your eligibility for our programme.

Take our test


In summary


Lisbon Year 1 > Paris Year 2 > Berlin Year 3


Accommodation guaranteed

€18,500 (EU/EEA/UK nationals) / €22,500 (Non-EU nationals)

Financial aid & student roles available

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