This course is concerned with strategic thinking, strategic decision-making and understanding strategy situations involving conflict and/or cooperation. Strategy has proved useful in many areas of economics, business, political science, law, and social psychology. This course is an interaction of game theory, economics and strategic management.
- Basic game theory
- Oligopoly competition
- Analysis of market structure
- Collusion
- Strategic Alliances
- Organisation design
- Competitive dynamics
- Strategic asymmetries
- Value chain analysis and vertical relations
- Vertical integration and transaction cost
- Entry and entry deterrence
- Research and Development
- Technology adoption
- Network Effects
If you complete the course successfully, you should be able to:
- use tools of strategic analysis and game theory to value and analyse strategic options in real life
In particular, you should be able to:
- anticipate the actions of a rational (that is, individually profit-maximising) rival and act accordingly.
- Cabral, Luis M.B. Introduction to Industrial Organization. MIT Press.
- Besanko, D., D. Dranove, M. Shanley and S. Shaefer. Economics of Strategy. Wiley. or Saloner, G., A. Shepard and J. Podolny. Strategic Management. Wiley.
- Shapiro, C. and H. Varian. Information Rules. HBS Press.
- Articles from Economics and Management journals available online to students will complement the textbooks for the majority of chapters in the subject guide.