Research project 2: consolidation
This module aims to provide students with an opportunity to conduct and report empirical research. Students will (a) collect data using the methods and materials approved in the 15 credit Research Project Preparation module, and (b) analyse and report the data in the form of an original written report.
Main topics include:
- Research in all areas of psychology, with a particular focus on research design and ethics within the chosen research field, research skills, and writing research reports Students will complete the project in the manner set out in the approved Research project plan, completed as part of the 15 credit Research project preparation module.
- Students will be required to collect and analyse data in accordance with this plan, and any additional guidance (e.g. from an institutional ethics committee)
- On completion of data collection, students will analyse and interpret their findings, and write the study up in an 8,000 word project report.
On successful completion of this module, you will be expected to be able to:
- Understand issues in research ethics and research design.
- Collect and analyse original empirical data.
- Write up a full empirical research report.

Discover more about our students’ research projects
During this phase, students utilise the methods and materials previously approved to collect data. Subsequently, they analyse and present their findings in the form of an original written report.