Introduction to Mathematical Statistics

This course provides a precise and accurate treatment of probability, distribution theory and statistical
inference at the introductory level.

  • Data visualisation and descriptive statistics
  • Probability theory
  • Random variables
  • Common distributions of random variables
  • Multivariate random variables
  • Sampling distributions of statistics
  • Point estimation
  • Interval estimation
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Analysis of variance
  • Linear regression

At the end of this course, and having completed the Recommended reading and activities, students
should be able to:

  • Compute probabilities of events, including for univariate and multivariate random variables.
  • Apply and be competent users of standard statistical operators and be able to recall a variety of well-known probability distributions and their respective moments.
  • Derive estimators of unknown parameters using method of moments, least squares and maximum likelihood estimation techniques, and analyse the statistical properties of estimators.
  • Explain the fundamentals of statistical inference and develop the ability to formulate the hypothesis of interest, derive the necessary tools to test this hypothesis and interpret the results in a number of different settings.
  • Be familiar with the fundamental concepts of statistical modelling, with an emphasis on analysis of variance and linear regression models.

All essential reading is provided within the course materials. A recommended textbook for additional exposition and practice problems is:

  • Larsen, R.J. and M.J. Marx (2017) An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its
    Applications, Pearson Education, 6th edition.

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