
Consulting projects with external organisations


You will become part of a consulting team that will assist organisations in solving some of their most strategic challenges. Each student team will partner with a different organisation, whether it’s a corporation, a startup, an NGO, or a governmental body. Assignments will encompass designing products/services, formulating business strategies, or refining internal processes.



The course is structured around a human-centered design approach, which emphasizes user research and prototyping. Meetings will be conducted using the agile framework and students will put their digital skills into practice. Evaluating the business viability of your solution is integral to this course; you’ll be delving into market analyses, business modeling, and some cost estimation. Interacting with your project partner is another central component. Your project will be segmented into three milestones, each providing an opportunity to collect feedback and refine your solution.

The building blocks of
the programme

  • Spend eight to ten hours a week on their project across the duration of the programme
  • Attend to workshops and team meetings
  • Work in teams of three to six students coming from different academic backgrounds
  • Be flexible: as in a real-life challenge, students will have to learn as they go. They might also have to pivot the direction of their project
  • Follow a user-centered approach 

  • The quality of three different deliverables: a user research report, a low fidelity-prototype and an implementation plan. These will be evaluated by both you leadership fellow and your project partner.  
  • Your engagement. Group work is a strong component of this course. Your proactiveness will be evaluated by your colleagues and a leadership fellow.

  • A concrete work experience that will impress future recruiters
  • A professional network that will include your project partners
  • A taste of what it is like to create an innovative solution inside an organisation, which involves pivoting, making compromises and gathering support among stakeholders.